Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Doctrine of the Almighty Eternal God

The Almighty Eternal God is the Spirit. The Spirit of God is the almighty eternal supernatural power. The Almighty Eternal God is one Spirit in three persons. The Father is the head of the family and the Master of the universe. The head of the family does not and never will have a human soul, and he will never exist in a human body form on Earth. His two children are a male and a female, and they are in nature fully God divine and fully human. These two divine children are two small portions of God the Master, and they are always in one with their Father. They are the Messiah Jesus and Divine Queen fully divine, fully God, and fully human. These two are the first generation of human souls; while the rest of the human souls are the second generation of human life on Earth. The second generation of human souls was created in the divine image of the first two divine souls, male and female/Messiah Jesus and Divine Queen, and they were born directly from God.

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